Doerr, B. G., Linares, R., & Furfaro, R. (2020). Space Objects Maneuvering Prediction via Maximum Causal Entropy Inverse Reinforcement Learning. In AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum (p. 0235). DOI:
Gaudet, B., Furfaro, R., & Linares, R. (2020). Reinforcement learning for angle-only intercept guidance of maneuvering targets. Aerospace Science and Technology, 99, 105746. DOI:
Gaudet, B., Linares, R., & Furfaro, R. (2020). Six degree-of-freedom body-fixed hovering over unmapped asteroids via LIDAR altimetry and reinforcement meta-learning. Acta Astronautica. DOI:
Furfaro, R., Linares, R., & Reddy, V. Space Debris Identification and Characterization via Deep Meta-Learning. PDF
Gaudet, B., Linares, R., & Furfaro, R. (2020). Six Degree-of-Freedom Hovering over an Asteroid with Unknown Environmental Dynamics via Reinforcement Learning. In AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum (p. 0953). DOI:
Gaudet, B., Linares, R., & Furfaro, R. (2020). Deep Reinforcement Learning for Six Degree-of-Freedom Planetary Landing. Advances in Space Research. DOI:
Gaudet, B., Linares, R., & Furfaro, R. (2020). Terminal adaptive guidance via reinforcement meta-learning: Applications to autonomous asteroid close-proximity operations. Acta Astronautica. PDF
Gaudet, B., Furfaro, R., Linares, R., & Scorsoglio, A. (2020). Reinforcement Meta-Learning for Interception of Maneuvering Exoatmospheric Targets with Parasitic Attitude Loop. arXiv preprint arXiv:2004.09978. PDF
Gaudet, B., Linares, R., & Furfaro, R. (2019). Six Degree-of-Freedom Hovering using LIDAR Altimetry via Reinforcement Meta-Learning. arXiv preprint arXiv:1911.08553. PDF
Scorsoglio, A., & Furfaro, R. (2019). ELM-based Actor-Critic Approach to Lyapunov Vector Fields Relative Motion Guidance in Near-Rectilinear Orbit. In 2019 AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialists Conference (pp. 1-20). PDF
Furfaro, R., Scorsoglio, A., Linares, R., & Massari, M. (2020). Adaptive generalized ZEM-ZEV feedback guidance for planetary landing via a deep reinforcement learning approach. Acta Astronautica. DOI:
Holt, H., Armellin, R., Scorsoglio, A., & Furfaro, R. (2020). Low-Thrust Trajectory Design Using Closed-Loop Feedback-Driven Control Laws and State-Dependent Parameters. In AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum (p. 1694). DOI:
Scorsoglio, A., Furfaro, R., Linares, R., & Gaudet, B. (2020). Image-based Deep Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Lunar Landing. In AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum (p. 1910). DOI:
Scorsoglio, A., Furfaro, R., Linares, R., & Massari, M. (2019). Actor-critic reinforcement learning approach to relative motion guidance in near-rectilinear orbit. In 29th AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Meeting (pp. 1-20). PDF
Scorsoglio, A., & Furfaro, R. (2019), ELM-based Actor-Critic Approach to Lyapunov Vector Fields Relative Motion Guidance in Near-Rectilinear Orbits. Conference: 2019 AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference. Portland, ME, USA. PDF
Jiang, X., Furfaro, R., & Li, S. (2018). Integrated guidance for mars entry and powered descent using reinforcement learning and gauss pseudospectral method. In 4th IAA Conference on Dynamics and Control of Space Systems, DYCOSS 2018 (pp. 761-774). Univelt Inc.. DOI:
Furfaro, R., Bloise, I., Orlandelli, M., Di Lizia, P., Topputo, F., & Linares, R. (2018). Deep learning for autonomous lunar landing. In 2018 AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference (pp. 1-22). PDF
Furfaro, R., Linares, R., & Reddy, V. (2018). Space objects classification via light-curve measurements: deep convolutional neural networks and model-based transfer learning. In AMOS Technologies Conference, Maui Economic Development Board. DOI:
Picca, P., & Furfaro, R. (2017). Application of Extreme Learning Machines to inverse neutron kinetics. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 100, 1-8. DOI: 10.1016/j.anucene.2016.08.031
Campbell, T., Furfaro, R., Linares, R., & Gaylor, D. (2017). A deep learning approach for optical autonomous planetary relative terrain navigation. In 27th AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Meeting, 2017 (pp. 3293-3302). Univelt Inc. PDF