A work on the Image-based Deep Reinforcement Meta-Learning for Autonomous Lunar Landing Published on the Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets

May 10, 2021

Image-based Deep Reinforcement Meta-Learning for Autonomous Lunar Landing

We are glad to share that the last paper on the Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets is finally out!


In this paper, we apply image-based reinforcement meta-learning to solve the lunar pinpoint powered descent and landing task with uncertain dynamical parameters and actuator failure. The agent, a deep neural network, takes real-time images and ranging observations acquired during the descent and maps them directly to thrust command (i.e. sensor-to-action policy).

A special thank goes to our SSEL's members, Andrea ScorsoglioAndrea D'AmbrosioLuca GhilardiBrian GaudetFabio Curti and Roberto Furfaro.


You can read it on Researchgate:
